My favourite cooking show

What does a favourite cooking show have to do with crime fiction? Plenty when it is Law & Order reruns.

Yes, you will often find me baking or making dinner to the familiar sounds of L&O characters working their way through another crime scene and into the courtroom. I generally prefer the original however I do switch between that, SVU and CI.

Cheorg 006After 20 seasons it is fun to note who has made it big. An episode I baked through the other day featured Laura Linney (four Emmy Awards, two Golden Globe Awards and a Screen Actors Guild Award.) She is but one among many who if not as successful in terms of awards and recognition, have created strong and consistent acting careers from their L&O days.

Why, you ask? After all I could be using my iPhone to listen to one of the many books stacking up unread. But that would require concentration and then I would lose count – was that three or four cups of flour? For me, it is the familiarity and rhythm of the TV series that matters in this case. Not to mention the ease of rewind.

What is your offbeat method of including crime fiction in your day? Any unusual habits you wish to share with us?

June Lorraine


2 responses to “My favourite cooking show”

  1. I can’t say that I incorporate any crime fiction in my day (except by stealing some time to read) but I love recipes and a love seeing food and simple recipes incorporated into my crime fiction: Donna Leon’s books set in Venice are light and full of simple Venetian day to day fare prepared by our detective’s lovely and talented wife (and Professor of English Literature) Paula. Leon also delights by observing the couple’s teen age children as they drive their father mad. I also have fond memories of 2 or 3 books full of French recipes set in an auberge in (I think) the Northwestern part of France, Can anyone think of a title or author that might fit that bill?. They could easily be 20 or 30 years old.

    • Hi Barbara, it all sounds delightful. The auberge in NW France isn’t familiar to me, but perhaps it will be to others. So if any followers know of this author, please chime in.

      Thanks for commenting
      June Lorraine

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