Chain gang: authors/writers talk about their work

Stefania Manttana of the Chase Williams Mystery Series convinced me to participate in this fun initiative. It’s a great way to learn about other writers and the work they sweat over and thrive on. Stefania’s writing is charming, fun and enjoyed by many. Perhaps it’s because as she says, “I write crime novels and detective stories because I’m a snooper. I always have been, ever since I was a kid.”

cutting to Chase into killer sphere



June in TokyoSo now onto me. I do not have published books but I certainly like to write about them and their authors. Here are the four questions from the chain and my responses:


What am I working on?

Crime fiction of course. I’m always reading, or researching topics for my blog. I try to keep on top of what’s being released (endless!), attending events or reaching out to authors. I live and breathe book culture.


How does my work differ from others in my genre?

Murder in Common is mainly focused on ‘unknown’ authors worldwide, with a particular affection for Canadian writers. Some are debut authors, others have published a few books but have yet to have best seller success.

My pages have Recommended Reading as well as Persons of Interest and opinion pieces. I keep the recommendations short as I like to show a book’s flavour rather than a synopsis.


Why do I write what I do?

Like many I’ve written since I was very young. Finding what I specifically wanted to write about took some time but I am settling into my niche. I will grow with it and see how things are progressing down an open road.


How does my writing process work?

It usually starts with ‘the hook.’ An idea that occurs to me, something that I’ve read about in media, or heard on the subway. Inspiration comes from many sources. Then I just start placing words/sentences on paper with many x’s marking missing phrases or words. The ‘fill in the blanks’ comes later.

I often write things in my head and can hardly wait to grab my iPhone and put it in Notes before the idea is forgotten. The most important part is to close any document I’m working on and walk away. Coming back with fresh eyes makes all the difference.

Diana Hockley – Crime with a dash of romance


Now I forward you onto my friend Diana Hockely who resides in Australia and writes wonderful suspense crime fiction. I understand she has been ‘round and about inspecting sites as background for a book. She also has a delightful background with a mouse circus.

naked roomcelibate mouse


2 responses to “Chain gang: authors/writers talk about their work”

  1. Even though I have my own way of approaching a new writing project, and am admittedly pig-headed stubborn about my ways of doing things, I enjoy seeing how others write. Thanks for sharing.

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