A murderous year

Raven & flowers 2

A congratulatory note from WordPress came the other day: 1-year since Murder in Common was created.

This brings on some reflection about where I started and where I am now. In some ways there are no changes, I’m just as damned opinionated. However, there is more focus now as I look to new authors and the challenges they face gaining an audience and building recognition.

Meeting and speaking with Canadian authors at length has been particularly rewarding and as well continuing email relationships with two Australian authors has been fun and enlightening.

Twitter has added its own surprise element and led a Danish author to me who is breaking into the English speaking market as well as a Belgium author, whose heartfelt emails have been lovely. His second book in English is before a US publisher now for consideration. I wait in my own way with him for the results.

All in all it’s been a fine year to date and as I receive more DRCs (digital review copies) to read and consider, it will continue to be the joy of discovery – especially with you along with me. I’m grateful for all of your input, support and encouragement. Thank-you!

~ June Lorraine



8 responses to “A murderous year”

  1. Congrats on your first anniversary. Time sure does fly when you’re having fun. 🙂

    Here’s to another thrill-filled year of all things crime.

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